Download Your FREE Appointment Guide

If this is your first visit to NexGen Hearing, we want to make things a little easier for you. Please download our free Appointment Guide to help you prepare
for your appointment, as well as give you a better idea of what to expect during your visit.

Want More Resources And Information On Your Hearing Health?

Download Your FREE Hearing Health Guide

If you’re trying to decide what to do about your hearing loss, or just looking for more information, we’ve put together this handy guide to give you some ideas and options to take control of your hearing health. You will also receive emails with additional resources and updates to assist you.

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NexGen Hearing's Guide to Hearing Health

Here’s what you can expect to learn:

What’s included in the guide?

What Can You Expect From NexGen Hearing?

When you visit a NexGen Hearing clinic, you will be treated by a professional consultant who passionately cares about one thing: helping you experience an improved quality of life through better hearing.

At NexGen Hearing, we service all makes and models of hearing aids. No matter where you purchased your hearing aids, our clinicians are happy to help you get them working their best!

At NexGen Hearing, we offer a 90-day trial period for your new hearing aids, and there is no money down for the first 21 days, so you can always feel confident in the choice you make!